When Should Applicants Expect Feedback From Commonwealth Scholarship Board?

When should applicants expect feedback from Commonwealth Scholarship Board?

The UK universities under the commonwealth scholarship board usually releases the names of applicants awarded scholarships in July. Though, there is no precise date in July set aside for the publication.

Each participating United Kingdom university will conduct its recruitment process to select a specific number of candidates who will be awarded Commonwealth scholarships.

Universities must submit their chosen candidates to the CSC in May. The CSC will then confirm that these candidates meet the eligibility requirements for this scheme.

Universities will notify candidates of their results in July 2021.

Applications will be considered according to the following selection criteria:

  1. Academic performance of the candidate
  2. The potential impact of the study on the development of the candidate’s country of origin

Also, Read: My Passport Just Expired Can I Still Apply For A Commonwealth Scholarship With It?

How Many People Get The Commonwealth Scholarship?

Commonwealth Scholarships are awarded to talented individuals with the prospect of positively impacting the global stage.

As part of the United Kingdom’s ongoing commitment to the Commonwealth, around 800 students receive scholarships each year to pursue postgraduate degrees at UK universities.

Suppose you are from a Commonwealth country and believe you could make a difference in the world but can’t afford to fund your studies in the UK alone. In that case, you could be an ideal candidate for a Commonwealth Scholarship.

Is It Difficult To Get Commonwealth Scholarship?

Earning a Commonwealth scholarship is challenging but not impossible. One of the main selection criteria for Commonwealth Scholarships is academic merit; You must have the minimum eligible score to qualify for scholarships.

Is There Interview For Commonwealth Scholarship?

Interviews are required but this is not always the case.

Is Commonwealth Scholarships Fully Funded?

The commonwealth scholarships is fully funded.

Commonwealth Fully Funded UK Scholarships enable students to expand their knowledge and improve their skills in their chosen fields without incurring a financial burden.

This Commonwealth Scholarship promotes peace and economic stability in low and middle-income countries.

How Much Is Commonwealth Monthly Stipend?

Scholars get air tickets from their home country to the UK and back. They will also receive tuition and examination fees, a living allowance/stipend of GBP 1,084 per month, and GBP 1,330 for students in the London metropolitan area.

Can I Stay In UK After Commonwealth Scholarship?

The CSC will only consider applying for your license renewal to remain in the UK after your award if you wish to progress from a master’s to a Ph.D.

Do note that strict terms and conditions apply.

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