All You Need To Know About Commonwealth Scholarship

The Common Wealth Scholarship Masters Program is one of three master’s programs offered by the Commonwealth Scholarship Commission. The Commonwealth Scholarship Commission in the United Kingdom (CSC) provides the United Kingdom Government scholarship program led by International Development objectives.

The Common Wealth Scholarship Masters Program operates within the framework of the Commonwealth Scholarship and fellowship plan (CSFP); it provides a vivid demonstration of the United kingdom’s enduring commitment to the Commonwealth.

By attracting exceptional talent and identifiable potential from all backgrounds and supporting them to become leaders and innovators upon their return to their home countries, CSC’s work connects sustainable development to the United Kingdom’s national interest. This scheme also provides opportunities for international partnerships and collaboration.

The Purpose Of Common Wealth Scholarship

The Commonwealth Masters Scholarships help talented and motivated individuals to acquire the knowledge and skills needed for sustainable development and are aimed at those who otherwise could not afford to study in the United Kingdom.

The Commonwealth Masters Scholarships Intended Beneficiaries

Commonwealth Masters Scholarships are designed for candidates from eligible, low- and middle-income Commonwealth countries to pursue a full-time Masters’ degree at a UK university.

How To Apply For Commonwealth Scholarship


Applications for the Commonwealth Masters Scholarships for the academic year 2023/24 are now open.

The application deadline (including all supporting documentation) is October 18, 2022, at 4:00 p.m. MIDDLE GREENWICH -TIME.

Applications must be made through the CSC online application system. Candidates must apply to the following nominating agencies listed below and the CSC.

The nominating agencies will then propose candidates to the CSC. The CSC will never accept direct applications for these scholarships.

Nominating Agencies

  1. National nominating agencies – (The main route of applications)
  2. Selected non-governmental organisations and charitable bodies

Each nominating agency will oversee its selection process and may have additional selection criteria. Candidates should check with the nominating agency for their specific advice and rules for applying and their eligibility criteria.

Nominating agencies may set their application deadlines. Candidates must complete an application through the CSC’s online application system in addition to any other applications required to be completed by the nominating agency.

The CSC cannot accept applications not submitted through the online application system. Agencies will nominate candidates for the CSC in December 2022. Applicants are encouraged to complete and submit their applications as soon as possible because the online Application system can be very busy in the days leading up to the application deadline.

Supporting Documentation

For applications to be eligible, they must contain supporting documentation.

Please note that candidates are required to collect references, on institution letterhead or an email with clear identification of the sender’s details, from referees and then upload them to the application system in a PDF format with their other supporting documents.

This is a change from previous years when referees received a separate email asking for their statements.

References must be uploaded to the application system before the deadline as they won’t be accepted any other way after this date.

The Following Documents Are Needed To Be Uploaded With The Application By Candidates:

  1. Evidence that the applicant is a citizen of an eligible Commonwealth country or has refugee status: a copy of a valid passport (or ID card) with photo, date of birth and country of citizenship
  2. Complete transcripts listing all higher education qualifications, including updated transcripts of all courses currently studied, with certified translations if not in English
  3. References from at least two people on institutional letterhead
  4. or an email clearly stating the sender’s details

The application will be considered ineligible if any of the required documents are not submitted by the closing date.

Candidates can also upload their university admissions letters for their chosen courses.

NOTE: Supporting documentation submitted by nominating agencies or outside the online application system will not be accepted by the CSC.

Also, CSC does not charge candidates for applying for any of its scholarships through its online application system, and organizations are not charged for nominating candidates.

Also, Read:

My Passport Just Expired Can I Still Apply For A Commonwealth Scholarship With It?

When Should Applicants Expect Feedback From Commonwealth Scholarship Board?

Who Can Apply For Commonwealth Scholarship?

To enroll for these scholarships, candidates must:

  1. Be a citizen, have been granted refugee status of an eligible Commonwealth country, or be a British Protected Person.
  2. Be a permanent resident in an eligible Commonwealth country.
  3. Be available to begin academic studies in the United Kingdom before the start of the United Kingdom’s academic year in September 2023
  4. By September 2023, hold a first degree of at least Upper Second Class (2:1) Honors Standard or a (2:2) Second Class degree and a suitable postgraduate degree (usually a master’s degree ). The CSC would not usually fund a second Master’s degree in the United Kingdom. If you are applying for a second Masters’ in the United Kingdom, you will need to justify why you wish to pursue this degree.
  5. You cannot afford to study in the United Kingdom without this scholarship.
  6. Have delivered all supporting documentation in the needed format

For individuals with disabilities:

  • The CSC aims to identify talented people who have the potential to create change. The CSC is committed to an equal opportunity and non-discrimination policy and encourages applications from various candidates.
  • CSC recognizes that individuals with disabilities often face challenges or challenges and overcome obstacles in their educational journey that have prevented them from completing the academic requirements for a Commonwealth Scholarship.
  • Disabled candidates who demonstrate their potential to contribute to international development but do not have a 2:1 university degree may be considered for a contextualized nomination by the Commonwealth Disabled People’s Forum nominator.

Commonwealth Scholarship Eligible Countries

Only candidates from the eligible countries listed below can be involved in the 2023/24 Commonwealth Masters Scholarships

  1. Bangladesh
  2. Belize
  3. Botswana
  4. Cameroon
  5. Dominica
  6. Eswatini
  7. Fiji
  8. Gabon
  9. Ghana
  10. Grenada
  11. Guyana
  12. India
  13. Jamaica
  14. Kenya
  15. Kiribati
  16. Lesotho
  17. Malawi
  18. Malaysia
  19. Maldives
  20. Mauritius
  21. Montserrat
  22. Mozambique
  23. Namibia
  24. Nauru
  25. Nigeria
  26. Pakistan
  27. Papua New Guinea
  28. Rwanda
  29. Saint Helena
  30. Saint Lucia
  31. Saint Vincent and The Grenadines
  32. Samoa
  33. Sierra Leone
  34. Solomon Islands
  35. South Africa
  36. Sri Lanka
  37. Tanzania
  38. The Gambia
  39. Togo
  40. Tonga
  41. Tuvalu
  42. Uganda
  43. Vanuatu
  44. Zambia

How To Fill Commonwealth Scholarship Form


Applications are made via the CSC online application system.

On the application form, applicants will be required to:

  1. List All Bachelor’s and Masters’ degrees obtained
  2. List up to ten publications and prizes.
  3. Provide details of employment history and how each position is relevant to the program to be held in the UK
  4. Provide a report on the applicability of previous work experience to the proposed scholarship.
  5. List the names and positions of three qualified referees to comment on both capacity to benefit from the proposed UK scholarship and the candidate’s ability to influence subsequent development. One referee must be a present employer (if applicable).
  6. Provide a 4-part development impact statement. In the first Part, you must explain how your proposed scholarship relates to:
  • global, national and local development issues
  • development issues related to your chosen CSC’s development theme and the wider sector

In the second part, you should describe how you intend to use your new skills after the end of your scholarship.

In the third Part, you should describe what you think will change in terms of development following your scholarship, including:

  • the results you want to achieve
  • timeline for execution
  • who will be the beneficiaries

In the fourth part, you must:

  1. Write how the impact of your work could best be measured
  2. Confirm what your award goals are and how the scholarship program will achieve each of them
  3. Confirm what your goals are for the next two years and how the scholarship program will achieve each of them
  4. Confirm what your long-term goals are and how the scholarship program will achieve each of them
  5. provide a personal statement to summarize how your background has encouraged you to want to make a difference in your home country. You must indicate areas where you have already contributed, such as Overcoming personal or community obstacles to your chosen career
  6. summarize how you have been involved in volunteer activities and the opportunities you have had to demonstrate leadership skills.

This document provides an example of the questions asked in the online application system. Please do not fill out the document linked here; It is for your information only. Applications can only be accepted via the online application system.

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